“Porn doesn’t hurt anyone”
They say “what you don’t know can’t hurt you,” but everyone wants someone to believe them when they get hurt.
Victims of porn speak up and speak out as worldwide porn use spreads.
Children are harmed by porn. For example, Billie Eilish recently made headline news when she revealed that her brain and relationships were damaged by watching porn from age 11 onward. [1]
Those who rescue victims of sex trafficking hear this story repeatedly. First, glamorous ads for “modeling jobs” are tricking teens. Then they’re coerced into making porn against their wishes. Finally, perpetrators threaten to send these videos to their friends and family if they refuse.
Porn actors are hurt by porn. Many porn actors are speaking out about mental health issues – and long-term physical damage to their bodies. [2] Many find the porn industry’s promise of quick, easy money is false. [3]
Sadly, porn often hurts the other partner in relationships. [5] Many feel betrayed like they’re not enough for their partner. No one can compete with porn star sex for long. It’s fake, unrealistic sex. It’s instant gratification, not based on trust and intimacy.
If you want a long-term, loving relationship, porn will fight this goal every step of the way.
You might feel worn down, tired and hopeless because the lies of porn have told you there is no way out. You might feel like you are so far gone because you’ve tried so many times to end your relationship with porn without success. Or, perhaps you love someone stuck in an endless cycle of indulgence and regret.
[1] https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2022/01/18/billie-eilish-porn-distorting-children/9047170002/
[2] https://ps.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/ps.62.6.pss6206_0639
[3] Javanbakht, Marjan PhD*; Dillavou, M. Claire PhD*; Rigg, Robert W. Jr MD†; Kerndt, Peter R. MD, MPH‡; Gorbach, Pamina M. PhD* Transmission Behaviors and Prevalence of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Among Adult Film Performers, Sexually Transmitted Diseases: March 2017 - Volume 44 - Issue 3 - p 181-186 doi: 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000000567
[5] https://time.com/4461451/people-more-likely-to-divorce-after-they-start-watching-porn-says-study/