“Porn makes You better in bed”
The truth is that porn can harm your ability to enjoy holistic and lasting sexual intimacy with a real person.
Porn can sometimes decrease your ability to be aroused by your partner because you’ve trained yourself to be turned on by fantasies. Porn can also make you desire your partner in ways that fuel unhealthy behaviors and expectations.
Porn can make you think she likes what makes her feel degraded and hurt.
"There was nothing fun about that sex for me, nothing. It was getting to the point that it was traumatic for me," one anonymous wife said.
Whether porn increases your desire in the wrong way or makes you less interested in your partner, it’s hurting your ability to have healthy intimacy!
Porn use over time can make you crave unrealistic or even violent types of sex, researchers note in the British Journal of Criminology. [2]
Porn repeats some false relationship messages over and over. This is dangerous because, as human beings, we believe misinformation when it is repetitive, even when we initially know it is untrue. [3]
Here are some of those lies:
LIE: Your partner will want sex exactly as much and in the same ways as you do
LIE: Sex is the only important thing in a relationship
LIE: There is no need for kindness, and you should NEVER put your partner’s needs above your own
LIE: All that matters is gratifying yourself
LIE: During sex, people like to be smacked around, choked, and have their hair pulled. Even rape is pleasurable.
You might feel worn down, tired and hopeless because the lies of porn have told you there is no way out. You might feel like you are so far gone because you’ve tried so many times to end your relationship with porn without success. Or, perhaps you love someone stuck in an endless cycle of indulgence and regret.
[2] (https://academic.oup.com/bjc/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bjc/azab035/6208896)